IVT will be hosting auditions for our annual Melodramas in the community room of the Sandwich Opera House on Sunday, June 25th from 1-4 PM and Monday, June 26th from 3-6 PM! Join us for this amazing opportunity to bring a little drama to the Sandwich Fair! This year, our melodramas have been written by IVT's very own Jacob Roller and K. Matthew Carr! See below for additional information about each Melodrama.

When - Sunday, June 25th from 1-4 PM and Monday, June 26th from 3-6 PM
Where - The community room of the Sandwich Opera House
"The Most Masterful Mimic" by Jacob Roller
In the small California town of Bypass Bend. It's the usual business of heroes and villains. The villainous Dan The Duplicitous is stirring up trouble, and the heroic Willard West is there to stop him. After his latest plan fails. Dan discovers that the copyright on the script has expired! Now with ownership of their town, and even their very likenesses up for grabs, what will become of the townsfolk of Bypass Bend?
Cast of 10
Willard West - Male - The town hero. Valorous yet dimwitted.
Sarah Nevada - Female- The Town heroine. Feisty and sometimes violent.
HP Torque - Flexible - The town "Horse Doctor". A person of reason.
Susana Sasparilla- Female - Sarah's friend and Dan's captive. Doesn't take any flack.
Dan the Duplicitous - Male - The villain of the story. An overconfident scoundrel. Capable of being put in his place and having real menace on a whim.
Edward East - Male - A lot like Willard. A dumb but well-meaning guy who also identifies as the "cowboy cassanova".
Ada Lacian - Female - Parallels Sarah. But more ditzy with her voice.
JB Stallion - Flexible - A confused mechanic. Earnest about their work.
Sophie Sober - Female - Uptight. Has little tolerance for filth or perceived "crass" behavior.
Dan the Duplicate - Male - A completely failed attempt at copying the villain. Should be incredibly incompetent. Even more so than Dan.
"A Trainwreck Waiting to Happen, or How to Derail a Story" by K. Matthew Carr
The McTrainface railway is going out of business. After a long time in business, it simply can't pay for its expenses anymore. At least, that's what Harley N.E. Goode says. Thankfully, he has a plan to "offset" the burden on poor ol' Patsy McTrainface: Transfer his very own "special cargo" on one last ride, safely. How hard could that be? It's not like the train would be held up by robbers or get into an accident... oh, wait.
Cast of 5
Harley N.E. Goode (male) - retired train robber hoping to pull one last trick before disappearing with his "special cargo".
Robin U. Sherly (either) - relatively new train robber hoping to make a name for themselves by hitting up the McTrainface railway.
Patsy McTrainface (female) - conductor of the McTrainface Railway. Late Husband Herbert believed in the train so much that he legally changed their last name to McTrainface. Now she's just trying to keep his legacy alive.
Percy Veer (male) - the hero! He looked up to Herbert and thought of him as the father he never had. Now he punches tickets. Definitely not a policeman in disguise.
Carrie Dowt (female) - the damsel! Business Woman that rides the train a lot just to see Percy. Admires his commitment, but is annoyed by his lack of common sense sometimes.